In this powerful novel, set against the backdrop of WW2, the lives of Marie-Laure, a blind French girl who fled to Brittany with her father after the Nazi occupation of Paris in 1940, and Werner, a German orphan boy whose talent with radios catches the attention of the Hitler Youth, intertwine in occupied France.
Recommendations from
Miranda Cowley Heller
Miranda Cowley Heller is the American author of the critically acclaimed debut novel The Paper Palace (2021). Before her writing career, she worked as associate fiction and books editor at Cosmopolitan Magazine, and for almost a decade she was Senior Vice President and Head of Drama Series at HBO, where she developed some tremendously successful shows.
The story of a family's tragic undoing and efforts to rebuild what's been lost, The Poisonwood Bible is an epic novel full of suspense. Nathan Price, a fierce, evangelical Baptist, decides to take his wife, four daughters and mission to Belgian Congo. Equipped with everything they believe they will need to settle in the new country, they will soon discover that all of it is forever transformed on African soil.
While Mrs Bennet wishes nothing better for her daughters than the prospect of an advantageous marriage, her daughter Elizabeth thinks otherwise. When the wealthy and eligible bachelor Mr Bingley moves into the neighbourhood, he soon becomes attached to Elizabeth's sister Jane. His companion Fitzwilliam Darcy, on the contrary, appears arrogant and conceited to Elizabeth. But she will learn the dangers of judging from first impressions... A masterful comedy of manners which told one of literature's most enduring love stories whilst wittingly satirising English society and its social conventions.
Cape Cod
By Henry David Thoreau
In this fascinating book, Henry David Thoreau details his journey of discovery along the Massachusetts coastline. Spending his days walking along the beach and his nights in lighthouses, fishing huts and remote farms, Thoreau came to more deeply understand the complex relationship between the sea and the shore.